You are here: Utility menu > Setup Console > Security Administration > Identity Security

Identity Security

Security settings can be modified to allow certain staff members access to all identity tabs for employees at any level to which that employee has access.

To Grant Access

  1. Click SETUP > Security Administration > user rights templates tab and select the security template.
  2. Click [edit].
  3. Open Resource Groups > Organization.
  4. In the Rights area, the following rights are available under Identity:

Note: Staff members granted the Allow Override access can only access the identity tab for other staff members within the same level. For example, if one has access to the whole organization and has the Allow Override access then they can access the identity tabs for all staff members in the organization. If the person with Allow Override access only has access to a certain branch or region, then they will only be able to access other staff member's identity tabs they are within the same branch or region.

  1. In the Rights area, make the appropriate selection.
  2. On the Navigation Toolbar, click Save.